Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

ok ok i am not done with this whole swine flu thing cause i just thought of some more facts. out of that 1653 case only 149 people in mexico have died. so know lets look at that percentage -- .000001% of the population. that is nothing. The world is in a wide spread panic over nothing. The case in the US are so significant as well. way less that half of that from that of mexico. Places such as Spain and the UK and other places as well panic at the sight of someone coughing cause, if they have been to Mexico it has to be the SWINE FLU. Only one person in the US has died from the swine flu. yet everyone still makes a big deal about it. ok ok make a big deal i dont mind. BUT here is a fact that isnt being throw out. In the US alone about 36,000 people die PER YEAR from the REGULAR FLU. Where is the world wide spread panic and fear from them. . . . . Thats right it isnt there. this whole thing is made up just to be a big deal by the same reporters, and new cast people. Thats why i see no reason at all to panic or fear going to mexico at all. plus the flu can easily be avoid, just do these INCREDIBLE HARD STEPS
1. wash hands often
2. dont kiss people often
3. and if you shake someones hand, DONT PUT YOUR HAND IN YOUR MOUTH
yes yes i know those are very hard steps to do. the swine flu "HAHA". there is really nothing to worry about

The Swine Flu

everyone today is making a huge deal about this swine flu thing going on. honestly i have to disagree with this. and again this is my opinion on the whole take. i dont think we should worry at all. the swine is supposely just a different strain of the regular flu virus and nothing more. i have talk to my mom and dad about, mainly cause we are about to take a trip to mexico, and they are no worried at all. my dad, who used to live in mexico says that people in mexico "DONT GO TO THE DOCTOR" they just dont. if you happen to be sick you would go to the corner drug store. pick up some medicine and medicate yourself. he says on average people that are 21 have only been to a doctor 4 or 5 times, IN THERE ENTIRE LIFE. that people only go to the doctor when they are really, and i stress REALLY sick. so taking in this information. once the swine flu began most of the that go sick just passed it off a the normal flu and thought nothing of it. that is why people are dieing in mexico. let me futher my opinion. out of the millions, and let me stress MILLIONS of people, only a few 1000s got sick. but ok we will put this in really terms, there are a 1653 case of the swine flu reported. ok lets just make that an even 2000 because there has to be a few case that have no been reported. and the population of mexico is about 109.9 million people. so that give only .00001% of the popualtion has it. See how small that is


ever seen on tv or maybe in a movie, where a guy will walk into a cafe or some pubic place. dressed as an average guy with a laptop, and out of no where begin to type furiously on his computer and all of the sudden be in the CIA computer database. well for some reason, one that i can not explain, i have always wanted to be that person. be the person who can do so many things with his computer like hack into government site and do everything of his computer, and the best part NEVER GET CAUGHT. just the things these incredibly intelligent people can do with a simple computer just amazes me. i just this article about a kid, who was able to do all of this. Jonathan James is the next hacker on the list of the top five “black hat” hackers. One of the reasons James is particularly special is because he is the first juvenile to be sent to prison for hacking. James in an anonymous interview done by PBS, he reported that his action weren’t meant to hurt anyone or thing but just to see what he was capable of doing. A couple of the hacks James is most noted for is, hacking into the Department Threat Reduction Agency. The Agency is a branch of the Department of Defense and is in charge of trying to reduce the threat of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons to the U.S and to its allies. While hacking into the Department he created a backdoor into their severs, allowing him to frequently enter and exit them as he pleases. It also allowed him to view highly confidential emails and also take employee usernames and passwords, giving him almost full access to their information. Another hack James is infamous for, is for cracking into NASA computers. While in NASA computers, James stole software worth approximately 1.7 million dollars. The Department of Justice later stated that the software stolen controlled the living area of the International Space Station, including its temperature, humidity, and all other physical aspects of the station. Once finding out about the problems, NASA was forced to shut down all of its computer systems costing NASA around $41,000. James also later stated, once he was caught, that the code of the software he downloaded was originally a “crappy” code and was in no way worth the 1.7 million dollars that NASA reportedly stated. Even though James had hacked into NASA and the Department Threat Reduction Agency, he did not sever a heavy sentence. He was only banned for the use of the computer for recreational uses and had to sever six month under house arrest. Even though, James was sixteen at the time, if he had been an adult, he could have easily been sentenced to ten years in prison for his intrusions of government property. James still spent six months in prison because he violated his parole. Today, James says he has learned his lesson, and will not do it again, and also plans to start a computer security company. See this right here amazes me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

when boredom takes over

ever have to do an assignment and you are really really bored. well thats kinda how i feel right now. i have a ton of work to get done but i am so bored. there is really nothing interesting about the math homeowork i have or studying for a test or any of the work. and to this day i am still amazed how every little thing distracts me. the phone ring, I HAVE TO ANSWER IT. i get a text message, I HAVE TO TEXT BACK. oh i am a little hungry, well now I HAVE TO GO TO THE KITCHEN AND MAKE MYSELF A WHOLE MEAL, NOT FINISH IT AND THEN SPEND ANOTHER 10 MINUTES PUTTING IT AWAY. it is like a new born dog that is faninated with everything little thing it sees. i dont know i just cant focus on anything. it also doesnt help that i have the tv on and im listening to it. the most boring show on tv could be on and it wouldnt matter, i would still be watchin it cause it would probably be a whole lot more interesting than whatever i was doing. my imagination runs free also when im bored. i just stop and stare out the window and let my imagination take over. i think about losts of things. leaving thi place, and goin to the mall or watchin a movie. or just goin to sleep. i think about the future. where i will be, what will i be doing. just thing about everything. but most of all thing about my girlfriend and what she is doin. since she is a senior in high school i have to wait at home till she gets out. and like everyday i would go and pick her up and hang out for a little bit. but till then i will have to wait and study. at least with this i can right down what ever is in my mind. not even letting a second go by and just writing whatever i am thinking. . . . WOW i am really bored. anyways i think i am goin to take a nap. night

There is alot on my mind

i have to much to think about right now. really i just want to get it all of my chest. i am stressin so much about . . . . . . EVERYTHING. the mainly problem is the whole issuse about should i move or stay here. and that is one of the main things. i know that if i choose on thing the other person is goin to get upset and i dont want that to happen. also whether or not if i am goin to make it on my own here. and I havent even told my parents about it. i dont want to tell them but then again eventually i am goin to have to . another problem i have on my mind is finals. i mean i always do ok on finals but on these finals i need to do really good to maintain a B average. It is always towards the beginning and the end where i do ok in school but just during the middle i tead to slack off and not do anything at all. i need to learn to focus during the whole semester. so now i am stressing over a ton of things i should have done during the semester that i didnt do. i have a ton of work and none of it is done. Another thing i am stressing about is summer school. yet again for the third year in a row i have taken summer school. i hate it cause it is just like taken year long school. i never really get a break and i dont get to relax like a normal kid. so i am stressing about that. another thing i am stressin about is my mom. i have never been good enough for her and it always bothers me and leads to arguements. i hate this me and my mom are always fighting. ofcourse they are big huge fights just arguements about little things here and there. i am a B student and that should be good for them. when i used to live in AZ most of my friends were happy if they got a C but not me. To my mom getting a C is just like Failing the class. oh well. . . . . there is also the issue on that i need to find a job. for the past 2 months i have just been relaxing and not goin anything at all. but now i need to get right down to it and find a job. i dont know if i can though i have always been lucky in the past but this time might be different. damn i have alot to do and so little time to do it all . . .

Part 3 My big problem

after thinking about the problem alot i have finally decided to stay here with my girlfriend. I hope it never happens, but if things go back i can always return to my parents. so know that i have made my desicion the problem is living. i still dont know anyone and i dont want to start asking the few people i know. they arent even friends, more like just people i know at school and talk to them at school. nothing more i dont hangout with them after school. i dont chill with them. I dont even have their number to call or talk to them. and much less even if i did know them i wouldnt want to ask if i could LIVE WITH THEM. that just sounds way to weird. not only that i would have to consider the cost of living added to that. and that too opens up other problem. I DONT HAVE A JOB. . . i think i can easily find one. i have always had good luck with finding job. but then again after reading that book from class Nickeled and Dimed. . . . ya i have lost alot of that hope i had. but i am going to start look. after thinkin about it i think i am goin to stay and find a place to "sleep". cause really that is all i need. i know if i am in a bit of a jam, my parents or my girlfriends parents will offer to help. my girlfriends parents have already offered to let me eat with them every night so that take care of food. and i know i would be able to wash my clothes with them. all i need to worry about is were to sleep. if i can do that i think i might be set. also i am hoping that if i spend alot of time at my girlfriends house with her mom and dad. and get to know them a little better, they might let me stay with them a little sooner. but that is just me HOPING.. . . . . and the worst part of everything is at the end of May is when my parents deicide to leave giving me no time to think it out carefully or plan anything ahead. . . . . . . . . "sigh" i hope i am making the right choice and i make it . . . . . .

Part 2 My big problem

i know the parents of my girlfriend and they know me quite well. my parents know her parents as well, mainly cause we live about 4 houses down from each other. there is no problems between any of us so everything is good. making my desicion much harder. another part of the equation is that once my girlfriends parents move, they have already offered to take me in, and live with them. that is a really good offer. so then again lie the question my parents or my girlfriend. when it is put that way the question seem really bad. ask anyone else and easily the answer would be, YOUR PARENTS OFCOURSE. but see i really love this girl and i really do think she is the one. my love to many may seem childish or stupid i know the truth. that i would do any and everything in my power to always be with her. and the scary part is as much as i love her. i know she loves me more. . . that isnt the only problem i have. if i do choose to stay here with my girlfriend i know that i will need to find a place to stay for the time being, until her parents move. but i dont know anyone. . . i dont have friends here to taken me in. I dont know anyone. and even if i did meet someone right now, i would feel very uncomfortable asking to live with them. and i know there is no way in my right mind i can have an apartment to myself. i just wouldnt make it. even with the help of my parents, and that is if they even choose to help me. . . . i dont know what i am goin to do

My big problem

the big choice i have coming up in my life is whether i want to go to Texas or Utah. seems simple enough it isnt. for the longest time my dad has disliked his job here in georgia and also for the longest time has wanted to move to back to Texas where his family is and have a job there. well he finally has that choice. recently he has applied for a job in Texas, in the exact spot he was to live, and got it. now here comes the other side of the story. since the day we have moved here i have been misable. i have no friends and nothing goin for me here. but a few months into living her i met a girl, and since the we have been insepratable. I love this girl so much, and i know she loves me. there is no doubt in my mind that we are goin to be together for a very long time, but if i am moving that isnt goin to happen. so what do i do. Move to Texas with my family or stay here with my girlfriend. Now here comes another twist into the story. My parents already expect me to leave. they know that if i dont stay with my girl, that i will eventually leave for college. so the are expecting it. but should i with them one last time. an the other twist is that my girl also recently moved here. as just like my dad, her dad also dislikes his job here and is planning to move some time next year. so there again lies the problem

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What to do

what do you do when you have a big choice in front of you. i choice that you know that will change your life. A choice that can determine a good future or a horrible mistake. what do you do when you are place in front of a choice that big. Im only 18, i just turned 18 too and i have to make this choice. . . . . and to be honest i dont know what exactly i am goin to do. I dont even know where to begin. i have thought about it and thought about it and i still cant make a decision. this isnt easy, but then again thinkin about it i didnt think it was goin to be. it is just something that you have to just choose an option and hope for the best. but i dont want to make this big of a choice like that. I want to be certain about me choice. i dont know. . . . the more i think about it the more i stress. apart from that i have finals, and i have a ton o stuff i need to get done too. i cant just put that all aside for the time being. but the choice i need to make is something that i dont have alot of time to think about. what makes thing is no matter what choice i make, . . . . i know i will be letting someone down. and that is another problem i dont want to do. and i cant really ask someone for help cause i know what that person is probably already goin to say. . . . and i dont like their answer. does that mean i already know what i want to do. . . . .

Monday, April 27, 2009

getting lucky

So this passed Wednesday, I yet again, left my flash drive in on my computer in my last class. This is the second time i have done this. I really dont know why I can be so forgetful. My flash drive has of most of my paper. Paper that i have had since elementary, and junior high, and high school. A lot of my school work is comprised on that flash drive and I just left it here in my class, as if it were nothing. All weekend i paniced for it, wondering if all those papers were going to be gone and lost forever. This morning I woke up early, hoping I could go to class a little early and search for my flash drive. To be honest i didnt have much hope it would still be there. I lost it on Wednesday and today was Monday. But still i went to look. I checked the office, checked the student loungue area, and even the ARC area just to see if someone had turned it in. And sadly in every single place i checked i found nothing at all. I walked to class having no lost all hope at all. It was gone and I knew it ever well. I sat down and though well maybe the teacher picked it up? I walked over and to my surprise it was there! I guess my luck is finally turning around. I hope it stays with me just for this week and a litle part of next week. Mainly cause of final. Now dont get me wrong. I usually do ok in final, but this year i am hoping to do a little bit better so i can get a couple of A on my GPA. I guess im getting lucky

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today Thoughts

I am about to end my second semester in college. I really can't believe that i have lasted a year through college and i am doing very well. My finals for the second semster are coming up and i need to study. Most of the class i have are some what easy, and i have full confidence that i am goin to pass. Moving on to something else that is on my mind, is that i need to find a job. I used to work at Mellow Mushroom a few weeks ago but I quit after a couple of months. I am started to look back and I really made a stupid choice quitting that job. it was a really goo job to have. I would make around 300 dollars a week and had very flexable hours depending on the day. . . Wow i think i really messed up. that is like thwe perfect job for me. I really dont know why i quit. i guess i was kinda pressured into it. but if i had a chance to work there again i dont know if i would. I mean i quit. would it really look good if asked for my job back. . . . i dont really know. i mean i really would like to work there. but then again me and the manager didnt always see eye to eye. but also i did get good pay. but it was also a very stressful job. but i do need a job. . . and no other place seems to be hiring. .. . . . i dont know what i am goin to do. i guess i am just goin to have to keep trying in other place until i find something. and my girlfriend want me and her to get a job together. after first thought this is a great idea. we get to spend more time together. we get to hangout more. and we also get to get paid while we do it. but then again is there any bad points to this. i mean i really doubt we are goin to break up. but then again alot of couple say that. I have a feeling though that what me and her have is a really good relationship. mmmm i think it is a good idea and i am goin to get a job with her. i cant wait = )

A Vacation in Hawaii

Everywhere around the world there are certain places that stun us with their beauty. Whether it is the fresh white snow topped mountains, lush evergreen tropical rain forests, or even the lively night life of the Vegas Strip, everyone has a specific dream vacation spot he or she wishes to visit, and my dream vacation is no exception. One of the most beautiful places in the world, to me, is the sandy beaches of Hawaii. Numerous times I have found myself looking at pictures from Hawaii and its gorgeous beaches and islands where houses are lined up right next to the shore. It would be incredible if I could stay in a house by the beach in Hawaii and enjoy myself for a couple of weeks there. In Hawaii, I can easily find myself staying in a house by the shore, fishing in the beach, and even relaxing in the sand during the sunset.
Staying in one of the houses right next to the shore is one of the main reasons Hawaii is my dream vacation spot. Many of the houses that are next to the shore are no more than 100 yards away, and many of them close enough to hear the waves crashing along the shoreline. The house I would be staying at would be a colossal three story house, with the outside painted a bright cloud white color. The inside of the house would be a rich light brown color with matching furniture, and the smell of delicious cheeseburgers would quickly entice anybody who walked in. The taste of the burgers would be marvelous as well, as everyone would want to savor the juicy burgers forever. This would be the perfect house to stay in and would make my dream vacation the best it could possibly be.
But staying in a massive house is not the only reason Hawaii is my dream vacation; fishing is one of my favorite activities to do, and I plan to go fishing a lot during my time in Hawaii. In the morning I would wake up early, just before sunrise, to go fishing. The air outside would not be too hot or too cold, but just perfect. Then, after I am all ready to go, I would head off to the beach. Hopefully by this time, the sun will begin to come up. Then, I would walk right up to the shore and leave my tackle box, with all the baits and hooks I will need, on the shore and start to head off out into the crystal clear beach until I am in warm, waist deep waters. Once I’m there, I would begin to cast my line out in front of me, about a good 100 feet, and then wait until I begin to feel gentle nibbles on the line. Usually it takes quite a long time to catch a fish, but after some time, I usually catch one. Once I have caught a fish, the real fun would begin. The line on my fishing pole would begin to jerk, and the line would begin to pull away quickly. Reeling in the fish would be tough to do, but after a few minutes, I should have the fish right next to me. The fish itself would be excessively slimy and would smell just like a fish would. Afterward, I would release the fish back into the water and begin to cast my line out into the water again. I love to fish and expect to fish several times during my stay at Hawaii.
Even though I love to fish, the best part of my whole vacation would be relaxing on the beach during the sunset. Once the sun begins to set, I would head off toward the beach. Walking along the beach I would feel the warm sand between my toes and the heat from the sun would feel just right. I would lie down on a white hammock facing the sun, and just lie there and relax. The sunset would light up the whole sky in an orange glow. While relaxing, the gentle sounds of the waves next to me would easily sooth anyone, and the sound of people in the distance would make the overall experience even better. The whole mood of the afternoon would be perfect, as nothing would interrupt or disturb me in any way. This moment alone would make the vacation absolutely perfect.
All in all this would be what I would want to do if I were to go to Hawaii and have my dream vacation. The house I would be living at is important because it is where I would be spending most of my time in Hawaii. Also, fishing near the house is just as important to me as the house itself. But most of all would be the hammock and relaxing on it during a gorgeous sunset. It is just a combination of the house I would be staying at, the days I would be going fishing, and the sunset would be enjoyable that I would enjoy most about my time in Hawaii.

Stress and ways to deal with it

Being close to losing a job, having to pay rent, or just trying to do well in school can all cause stress. Having a clamorous environment, or even insignificant details and disruptions may cause people stress. No matter what time of day it is or even where a person is stress can affect us all. Not only does stress happen to all of us, but it can also affect out day to day activities. Yet, there are several different ways to deal with stress. Three of the best ways I cope with stress are by enjoying myself, relaxing, and talking about my problems.
Doing something I enjoy many times helps me cope with stress. A couple of things I like to do that help me are playing video games or just going on the computer. Some of the video games I usually play when I am really stressed out are Gears of War or Grand Theft Auto. I enjoy playing these games because it is just a place where I can escape to and do whatever I like, or it is a place where I can just get rid of all my anger and just destroy everything in sight, in the video game. Another thing I enjoy doing is just going on the computer and surfing the internet or going on to my myspace. I like going on myspace because there I can do all sorts of things such as talk to friends or even play games like poker. Playing games or going on the computer are two of the many things I do that help me cope with my stress.
Other than just doing something I enjoy, another way I cope with my stress is by taking a second to relax. Often after a really stressful day, I like to take a couple of minutes to just lie down and relax. I usually take off my shoes and go over to my bed to lie down and take a nap. Another way I relax is by putting on some music. To lie down on my bed and listen to the music playing sooths me and all my problems just seem to melt away. Listening to music or taking a second to relax is one of the main ways I deal with my stress, and it often helps me tremendously.
By far the best way I cope with my stress is by just talking about my problems. No matter what the problems is, I know if I talk about it, my stress always just seems to go away. Usually I talk about my situation with a good friend or a family member I trust. I know that by talking to them, I am getting another opinion about my problem and another way on how to fix whatever I am going through. This is one of best ways anyone can deal with their stress, and it has always worked for me. It doesn’t matter if I am having problems with my girlfriends or having problems with my boss; whether it is dealing with school or with my friends, talking about my problems has always helped me and has always made most of my stress go away.
By enjoying myself, relaxing, and talking about my problems, I have learned to deal with my stress. These methods have really helped my in my times of need and overall have made me a better, calmer person. As stress impacts everyone, everyone can easily deal with their stress by relaxing or talking about it. Every stressful situation has a simple solution.


Saving a life is an incredible experience and is it one that I will never forget. About two years ago, I got my first job at a water park as a lifeguard. After two weeks of work, I was quickly promoted to a level two lifeguard, and as a level two lifeguard I in charge of higher risk swimmers. It was a little less than a week later that I saved someone’s life from drowning. Even though I do not clearly remember the whole day, I do remember watching the man panic in the water, saving the man from drowning, and how I was feeling afterwards.
One of the things I remember vividly about that day was watching the guy drown. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I had been on my shift for no more than one hour. The day seems like every other day, people walking around and enjoying themselves, so nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That day I was working on the cauldron, a slide that drops anyone who is riding 3 stories down incredibly quickly into a 15 foot deep pool. I was at the bottom of the slide telling people where to go, and how to get out. Suddenly I could hear someone yelling louder than usually and panicking nonstop. It was at that second that a man dropped into the icy 15 foot deep pool. I could remember the man not coming up for air as several seconds pasted by, and I was starting to worry and wonder. After a few second, the man came up, but not like most people. He was waving his arms franticly and screaming, as he tried gasping for air. It was at that second that I knew he was drowning. The only thing that ran through my mind at the instants was, I need to jump I and save him before it is too late. What I was hoping to be a normal day actually turned out to be a day that I would never forget.
Watching the guy drowning wasn’t the only thing I remember clearly, what I remember most of all was actually saving the person from drowning. After noticing that the man was really drowning I quickly realized that I need to jump in and save him. So I blew my whistle, signaling to the other lifeguards in the area that someone was drowning, and rapidly jumped in with my rescue tube. The man was heavy around a hundred more pounds than me, and was starting to sink to the bottom of the pool. As I jumped in, I hastily drove into the water and wrapped my arms around his chest, and brought him back to the surface. My rescue tube was on the top of the water and he instantly grabbed onto it to keep from sinking to the bottom again. Afterwards, I pulled the rescue tube back edge of the pool, and we both go out. Everything that happened, happened in an instance. The man later thanked me, and everything quickly returned to normal.
How I felt after everything happened, is the major reason why this is so important to me. After the man walked away, I felt important. I felt like I have never felt before. It was a feeling that made me feel great, as if I actually did something special, and actually affected someone else’s life. Whatever the feeling was it was great and I liked it. The rest of that day is still a blur, and I only remember bits and pieces. But the whole day in general is one I will never forget.
How I saved the man all happened in a flash. From watching him drown, to actually jumping in the water and pulling out all happened so quickly but is still in my memory today. The experience of saving someone’s life is great, and especially the feeling you get afterwards. The first time I saved someone from death is something that is significant to me and is something that is extremely important to me.

My favorite holiday

Christmas is the most widely known and celebrated holiday in the U.S. Christmas comes once a year and is celebrated on the 25 of December. It is a time of giving and happiness where everybody is usually in a good mood. Christmas is also a great holiday because in some places in the U.S, it snows in December. Christmas is not only a great holiday for kids, but for teens and adults as well. Christmas is my favorite holiday due to the snowing outside, spending time with the family, and receiving gifts from friends.
I love the cold weather, especially the snow, and that is one of the main reasons Christmas is my favorite holiday. On most of the days around Christmastime, I love to go outside into the cold weather. Several times in the past, my family and I have gone skiing or snowboarding during the Christmas time. Everyone has fun trying to snowboard down the mountain, and often times we have races to see who can get down the mountain the fastest, without falling. I always enjoy watching the snow falling and the sight of the trees covered in crystal white snow. The cold weather outside, with the snow blanketing the ground, always seems to make everybody’s mood in the family much better. It also makes the whole experience of snowboarding a lot better. Snowy weather is the cherry on top, which makes Christmas the best holiday for me and my family.
But the weather outside is not the only reason I love Christmas so much; having the family together is another important thing. Often as a kid I used to believe Christmas was all about the toys and gifts that Santa brought, but it isn’t. As the years passed, I started to learn more and more that it is really about the family being together, and that is what makes Christmas one of the more important holidays to me. On others holidays, such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day, the family is sometimes together but not always. During Christmas, the family is always together. Having the family spend time together to talk, laugh, and just mainly enjoy the time together makes this a wonderful holiday. That time together with the family is important to me, and makes Christmas not just a holiday that kids enjoy but parents as well, as they can spend time with their kids and enjoy the moment.
By far, my favorite part of Christmas is giving and receiving gifts. Receiving gifts on Christmas is what makes Christmas the very best and puts it above all the rest of the holidays. Christmas is known because people open presents and gifts on Christmas morning. Most people around the U.S quickly do their shopping early to buy gifts for others, and occasionally they buy a gift or two for themselves. I love giving gifts on Christmas, but most of all, I really love receiving them for others. It is also the holiday where most of the times I get what I really what for that year, such as an Ipod or a new cell phone. Christmas is also a good holiday to have a lot of friends. The more friends someone has, the better chance that person has of getting more gifts, though it also works the other way because the more gifts received, the same number of gifts probably need to be given. All in all, I enjoy Christmas because of all the giving that is done during this holiday.
Christmas time is a great holiday and is my favorite holiday. The weather outside during the Christmas time gets me in a better mood, and it is just a sight to see every morning, especially if it is snowing outside. I also love that the family is almost always together and happy around the Christmas time. Everyone is nice to each other, and because everyone is so nice to each other, it makes the Christmas time that much better. But most of all the gifts that I receive and give during Christmas is what makes this my favorite holiday. Christmas is a time of happiness, and for me that is exactly what it is.


The music I prefer to listen to is mainly hip-hop music. On my Ipod I have all kinds of music, from rock to oldies, but for the most part hip-hop is what I like to listen to. Hip-Hop has many artist and rappers that I enjoy to listen to. I like hip-hop because of its beat, its lyrics, and its overall experience.
One of the main things I like about hip-hop is its beat. The majority of hip-hop songs carry a strong bass beat that usually centers around the song. Another reason I like the beat of most hip-hop songs is because they can often be amplified in my cars stereo system making the song much more enjoyable to listen too. Songs that carry good beat that are enjoyable to listen what I like about songs, and hip-hop songs almost always have that.
Other than the beat, I also like the lyrics most hip-hop songs have. The lyrics are many times situations that I have gone through or have experienced. Or the majority hip-hop songs that I like have lyrics involving something I like or dream of doing. One example I can relate to is the song Good Life by Kanye West. The songs tell about how West is living the good life now. How he used to be poor but know has everything he could ever need and want. I can sometimes relate to this song because I am also in a way living the good life. Right now, there are a few things I could get but they are not things I need, and as of now I am doing pretty good in life. This is way the lyrics in many hip-hop songs are enjoyable to me and I like them a lot.
But the over all experience of hip-hop songs is what I like the best. I enjoy listening to the beat and listening to lyrics of the songs. It doesn’t matter if I am listening to the songs with friends or just in my room by myself the songs almost never get old and is something I can listen to. The feeling I get listening to the songs, several times I can just drift away and be in my own world and relax for the moments. I really like this about hip-hop songs and it is the main reason I listen to them the most.
The beat, the lyrics, and the experience is what make hip-hop songs so great to me. The beat the songs carries makes it amazing to listen to even if the song is long or short. The lyrics make an understanding with me and it is what I like a lot about the song. And the over all experience

why people have pets

Almost everyone in American owns a pet or either knows someone who owns one. But why do people choose to own pets. There are several different reasons and each one different to each person’s wishes or desires. People own pets to have a friend around, just because they want to, or because many time that person is lonely.
Many people in American have pets just to have a friend around. People buy dogs, cats or which ever pet just to play around with someone and to have as another part of the family. Pet are great to have around when you need to just get out of the days stress. Or just to have around to relax and maybe play catch with.
People also get pets just because they want to. Whether it is just something they just got at a moments instance or won a pet at the fair, such as a fish, people some time just get pets without thinking about it.
But a reason why a lot of people get pets is because that person may sometimes be lonely. If a person is often lonely and rarely has visit a pet may the best answer for them. A pet such as a dog who is always there for them and to play with and just be around when everyone else is away. It is also good to get a pet while you are lonely because it could be a good friend to have around.
After it all people have pets for numerous different reasons. But there is one thing that usually stays the same, people keep pets cause the love them. People also sometimes treat their pets are part of the family caring for them and loving them as they would a brother. Pets are great to have around.

Should college students be required to attend classes?

I believe that depending on the reasons I college should and shouldn’t have to be required to attend classes. There are several reason why I student should attend classes as well as just as many why a college student should not have to attend classes.
College student should attend classes if the don’t know the class material. If a student has never taken the class before and know nothing about the class then the student should have to attend classes. Also if the person has taken the class before and has failed is another reason why the person should be required to attend classes.
On the other hand, there are certain reasons why a student should not be required to attend classes. If the person has already taken the class and passed it but transfers to another, that does not accept the credit, and he is required to take the class again, then the student should not be required to attend class. It would just be a wasted of time. In other cases if the student is taking a class on something he or she already has done and known quite well there is no reason to attend the class.
All in all it is up to the student. The student needs to make the right decision and choose whether or not they need to attend the class or not. Another reason to consider is, the person has already paid for the classes and therefore his or her responsibility to attend the class or not. If the class has already been paid for then I believe there should be no problem if the student choose to attend or not attend class.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a good day

even after having a bad day, a day where everythiong just to go horribly wrong and nothing seem to go your way, the next day ways gets better. at least for me it does. i am surprised on how bad a day can be. How everything can turn on you one second, and everything goes dow. Well that is how my day was going yesterday. The day started out good, but slowly it began to get worst and worst, until it became a bad day. Yet yestesterday was yesterday and i dont really like to spend to much time on the past. And as the sun came up today. Today is starting off to be a good day. No problems started off this morning and everything seem to be back to normal. I hope it is at least. I wont really know for sure until this night where i will get to see the rest of the day turn out, but as of now it is a good day. . . . I am crossing my fingers hoping nothing changes

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is the American Dream?

What is the American Dream. Well i guess that really depends on who you are asking. For me, the American dream is to be happy in life. Having a good, well paying job, and a family is really all you need. All i really need is to be happy, and if i am nothing else will matter. Money is not something i need to be happy, and either do i need a fancy car. The American dream is to just make it in life and be successful and have a family. It is something not to simple to accomplish, but not to difficult as well. If you work hard in life and have a passion you can easily make it in life. Another important factor to me is having a family. Having a wife that loves you. And maybe have a kid or two to be there. To rise ad call you own. Some one to maybe follow in your foot steps.

Right now, I am in college. I am working hard to make it, and hopefully in a couple of year become an pharmacist. That way for the time being i can be able to pay for college and my hous, that i will hopefully have. After i am a pharmacist I dont plan to stop there. I would like to continue and become an Anesthesiologist. I know that it will take alot of years of school work, but i am willing to do the effort in order to make it in life. I am also hoping that along the way of trying to become an Anesthesiologist that I will meet someone. And together me and that person will be happy and start a family together. I have already found someone that i believe is special so maybe part of my American dream might be compelte. If i can get a good job and i am happy with the person i am with, that for me will be the American Dream.


i have met someone. she's wonderful, understanding, gorgeous, amazing, . . . and i could on forever. She is everything i could ever ask for. i remember the first time we met is was about two or three weeks before Halloween, and the second i saw her i felt something really different. no, it wasnt the cheesy butterflies in your stomach feeling. it was something more. It was a feeling that is indescribable. something that over powers you, and make you feel like you have to know this person. her brother and my brother were about the same age, 10 years old. and every day they would come to my house and play the Xbox or something like that. And everyday she would come by to pick up her brother and talk to me for a little bit. I loved these talks. we would talk about the future, school, jobs, just everyday stuff, or whatever came to mind. little by little we would talk for more and more, and little by little we began to fall for each other. i remember the first time we really hung out together. it was the day of halloween. my brother and her brother were met to go trick or treating and her and me were met to supervise them. we had a great time together. we went from house to house just talking about our past, and what we used to do back where we used to live. before we knew it was already 9 pm and we were the only people outside. That, for me, was one of the best days of my life, mainly cause it started something, that i hope will last for a long time. I love this girl, so much, and what i love most of all about her is that she loves me, for who i am. i really hope this is the perfect relationship.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I can't help it

As more and more time passes, i become lazier and lazier, and i really dont know why. I know i need to work. i know i help to get things done but i cant. i just cant. the majority of my time is spent in front of the tv, on the computer, or playing a video game, and as much as i tell myself i need to get off and start studying or doing homework or get some work done i cant. i am a smart kid. i know im smart and i know i can do alot in this world, but for me, my main problem is being lazy. i know what most people are think, ya everybody is lazy, but for me it goes way beyound that. it goes so far, that even i think back to myself and know it is crazy. instances like when im watching tv. i have already seen this show, i know what is goin to happen, i know the ending, BUT I STILL WATCH IT. or playing a video game i have already beaten. i already played the game i know what to do, i know what is at the end of the game, but i still play it. its fun. i dont know i enjoy playing video games and watchin tv but i also know i need to get work done. stuff like studying, writing papers, reading books, goin to class, going to work, getting chores done, all of these things that need to be done arent. why? because im watching re-runs of shows i have already seen. i have a problem. . . . . ok i have a HUGE PROBLEM. but no matter how hard i try, i cant over come it. it is almost as if i need someone to by right next to me all day long watching my every move, forcing me to keep going. i really need to fix this problem of mine cause if i dont i wont get anything done. college and work and. . . . just life in general isnt easy, and lazy people dont make it in this world. . . . . I just cant help it

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why is it when you want things in your life to get better they usually dont, but on the opposite happens and they get worst. They get worst and worst till it seems you have almost nothing left. Till it seems nothing can get better. Where everything in their life seems to fall apart. And you start to wonder Why? I had everything, and just like that it was all taken away from me. For days I wondered whats the point. In the morning its all going to be the same. But then something happened. I dont exactly know what but something did happen. For no apparent reason I started feeling better. Nothing had changed, yet it seems as if I were looking better side of everything. And little by little my life that had nothing started to rebuild itself. I got a job. Met a couple new people. Even got a girlfriend, and everything is starting to look like it is going over the better. It is until now that I realize that anytime you fall you get right back up. You dont lie on the floor hoping by some miracle that you will be lifted back up. No. You need to get yourself back up. And in a way, the same is true about your life. Bad things happen to everyone, even the best people in life, but it shouldnt let us stay down. Life is not just going hand you things just because. You need to work to get the things you want. To get the things need. If you just sit and wait. . . nothing will every happen. And nothing will ever get better.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Mood

Right now I'm not really feeling that well. Last semster I moved here from Arizona where i left every single one of my friends behind. I moved here because of my Dad who got a new job over here in Georgia, and as of right now I am not liking it too much. It has gotten alot better but im still not as happy i would like to be. I have spent over a hundred and eighty days here, and so far have made a total of about 2 or 3 friends which is really sad, haha. I dont understand what why but I notice myself isolating myself from everyone. The only real friend i have here is my girlfriend, and surprisingly none of her like me. But lately me and her have been getting into a bit of arguements that hasnt left me that well. Yet, I'm actually gald im doing this blog thing. Usually i dont talk about my problems, mainly cause i consider them to be MY PROBLEMS, and no one else. And in a way this helps me relax and talk about some of them. I think the biggest problem i have right now is whether or not i want to move back to Arizona. If i do move back i would probably need an apartment, and at least a cell phone, yet if i do move back my parents arent going to pay for any of that. So i would need a job. Yet i truely and honestly want to be a full time college student. To me school is important and i want to finish college and do something with my life. But the biggest problem is if i do move back, yes i will be happier, but my parents will get a divorce. And i dont know if i can deal with that, knowing my parents divorced because of me. And not only that but my little brother should not have to go through anything like that either. I dont know what to do exactly. . . but i think i have a pretty clear desicion on what i am probably going to do. I just hope i am doing the right thing. . . .

First Days School

So I have finally been to all my classes and I'm going to have to say this might be the hardest year of school for me. Not only that but it will also me one of the most important because it will be a test to see how well or how bad im going to do in college. To start off, I have never been good in English and honestly never liked it much either, but for the most part it seems that it will be a some what hard class. If i push myself and try everyday I'm hoping to maybe pull off a B in the class. Next is my American History class, which to my surprise actually seems like an ok class and I'm gald about that. I have always done poorly in History, mainly cause i could never remember dates and specific detail, but this time I sure i can do good. The next class i decided to take was Music Apperciation. I took the class mainly cause i thought it would be an easy A, but like everything it isn't. A ten page paper is due on what my favorite genre of music is, and there is no way I can do that. Maybe 5 pages or 6, but ten is way to much. Afterwards is my math class. Now i have always been good at math, but I'm terrified now. My very first day I got competely lost, but that was not the worst part. What made it all worst was that i seemed to be the only one lost which bummed me out even more. If this contiunes I would be theried to get a C in the class. Lastly i have Psychology, and it is the only class i think that is going to be fun and easy, yet i have been wrong before. I have always done well in high school, and I even graduated early but college is nothing alike. I used to never study for test or quizes or even finals, and now I am going to have to work hard to do just as well. It's a huge change for me, and it is one I'm wondering if I will be able to do it or not. My biggest consern is not the first couple of weeks or even the first month, but it's the middle of the semseter and the end of the semseter where i usually tend to slack off and this time I can't. I guess im just going to have to see what happens