Monday, January 26, 2009

Why is it when you want things in your life to get better they usually dont, but on the opposite happens and they get worst. They get worst and worst till it seems you have almost nothing left. Till it seems nothing can get better. Where everything in their life seems to fall apart. And you start to wonder Why? I had everything, and just like that it was all taken away from me. For days I wondered whats the point. In the morning its all going to be the same. But then something happened. I dont exactly know what but something did happen. For no apparent reason I started feeling better. Nothing had changed, yet it seems as if I were looking better side of everything. And little by little my life that had nothing started to rebuild itself. I got a job. Met a couple new people. Even got a girlfriend, and everything is starting to look like it is going over the better. It is until now that I realize that anytime you fall you get right back up. You dont lie on the floor hoping by some miracle that you will be lifted back up. No. You need to get yourself back up. And in a way, the same is true about your life. Bad things happen to everyone, even the best people in life, but it shouldnt let us stay down. Life is not just going hand you things just because. You need to work to get the things you want. To get the things need. If you just sit and wait. . . nothing will every happen. And nothing will ever get better.