Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Part 3 My big problem

after thinking about the problem alot i have finally decided to stay here with my girlfriend. I hope it never happens, but if things go back i can always return to my parents. so know that i have made my desicion the problem is living. i still dont know anyone and i dont want to start asking the few people i know. they arent even friends, more like just people i know at school and talk to them at school. nothing more i dont hangout with them after school. i dont chill with them. I dont even have their number to call or talk to them. and much less even if i did know them i wouldnt want to ask if i could LIVE WITH THEM. that just sounds way to weird. not only that i would have to consider the cost of living added to that. and that too opens up other problem. I DONT HAVE A JOB. . . i think i can easily find one. i have always had good luck with finding job. but then again after reading that book from class Nickeled and Dimed. . . . ya i have lost alot of that hope i had. but i am going to start look. after thinkin about it i think i am goin to stay and find a place to "sleep". cause really that is all i need. i know if i am in a bit of a jam, my parents or my girlfriends parents will offer to help. my girlfriends parents have already offered to let me eat with them every night so that take care of food. and i know i would be able to wash my clothes with them. all i need to worry about is were to sleep. if i can do that i think i might be set. also i am hoping that if i spend alot of time at my girlfriends house with her mom and dad. and get to know them a little better, they might let me stay with them a little sooner. but that is just me HOPING.. . . . . and the worst part of everything is at the end of May is when my parents deicide to leave giving me no time to think it out carefully or plan anything ahead. . . . . . . . . "sigh" i hope i am making the right choice and i make it . . . . . .