Wednesday, April 29, 2009

when boredom takes over

ever have to do an assignment and you are really really bored. well thats kinda how i feel right now. i have a ton of work to get done but i am so bored. there is really nothing interesting about the math homeowork i have or studying for a test or any of the work. and to this day i am still amazed how every little thing distracts me. the phone ring, I HAVE TO ANSWER IT. i get a text message, I HAVE TO TEXT BACK. oh i am a little hungry, well now I HAVE TO GO TO THE KITCHEN AND MAKE MYSELF A WHOLE MEAL, NOT FINISH IT AND THEN SPEND ANOTHER 10 MINUTES PUTTING IT AWAY. it is like a new born dog that is faninated with everything little thing it sees. i dont know i just cant focus on anything. it also doesnt help that i have the tv on and im listening to it. the most boring show on tv could be on and it wouldnt matter, i would still be watchin it cause it would probably be a whole lot more interesting than whatever i was doing. my imagination runs free also when im bored. i just stop and stare out the window and let my imagination take over. i think about losts of things. leaving thi place, and goin to the mall or watchin a movie. or just goin to sleep. i think about the future. where i will be, what will i be doing. just thing about everything. but most of all thing about my girlfriend and what she is doin. since she is a senior in high school i have to wait at home till she gets out. and like everyday i would go and pick her up and hang out for a little bit. but till then i will have to wait and study. at least with this i can right down what ever is in my mind. not even letting a second go by and just writing whatever i am thinking. . . . WOW i am really bored. anyways i think i am goin to take a nap. night