Wednesday, April 29, 2009

There is alot on my mind

i have to much to think about right now. really i just want to get it all of my chest. i am stressin so much about . . . . . . EVERYTHING. the mainly problem is the whole issuse about should i move or stay here. and that is one of the main things. i know that if i choose on thing the other person is goin to get upset and i dont want that to happen. also whether or not if i am goin to make it on my own here. and I havent even told my parents about it. i dont want to tell them but then again eventually i am goin to have to . another problem i have on my mind is finals. i mean i always do ok on finals but on these finals i need to do really good to maintain a B average. It is always towards the beginning and the end where i do ok in school but just during the middle i tead to slack off and not do anything at all. i need to learn to focus during the whole semester. so now i am stressing over a ton of things i should have done during the semester that i didnt do. i have a ton of work and none of it is done. Another thing i am stressing about is summer school. yet again for the third year in a row i have taken summer school. i hate it cause it is just like taken year long school. i never really get a break and i dont get to relax like a normal kid. so i am stressing about that. another thing i am stressin about is my mom. i have never been good enough for her and it always bothers me and leads to arguements. i hate this me and my mom are always fighting. ofcourse they are big huge fights just arguements about little things here and there. i am a B student and that should be good for them. when i used to live in AZ most of my friends were happy if they got a C but not me. To my mom getting a C is just like Failing the class. oh well. . . . . there is also the issue on that i need to find a job. for the past 2 months i have just been relaxing and not goin anything at all. but now i need to get right down to it and find a job. i dont know if i can though i have always been lucky in the past but this time might be different. damn i have alot to do and so little time to do it all . . .