Wednesday, April 15, 2009


i have met someone. she's wonderful, understanding, gorgeous, amazing, . . . and i could on forever. She is everything i could ever ask for. i remember the first time we met is was about two or three weeks before Halloween, and the second i saw her i felt something really different. no, it wasnt the cheesy butterflies in your stomach feeling. it was something more. It was a feeling that is indescribable. something that over powers you, and make you feel like you have to know this person. her brother and my brother were about the same age, 10 years old. and every day they would come to my house and play the Xbox or something like that. And everyday she would come by to pick up her brother and talk to me for a little bit. I loved these talks. we would talk about the future, school, jobs, just everyday stuff, or whatever came to mind. little by little we would talk for more and more, and little by little we began to fall for each other. i remember the first time we really hung out together. it was the day of halloween. my brother and her brother were met to go trick or treating and her and me were met to supervise them. we had a great time together. we went from house to house just talking about our past, and what we used to do back where we used to live. before we knew it was already 9 pm and we were the only people outside. That, for me, was one of the best days of my life, mainly cause it started something, that i hope will last for a long time. I love this girl, so much, and what i love most of all about her is that she loves me, for who i am. i really hope this is the perfect relationship.