Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Part 2 My big problem

i know the parents of my girlfriend and they know me quite well. my parents know her parents as well, mainly cause we live about 4 houses down from each other. there is no problems between any of us so everything is good. making my desicion much harder. another part of the equation is that once my girlfriends parents move, they have already offered to take me in, and live with them. that is a really good offer. so then again lie the question my parents or my girlfriend. when it is put that way the question seem really bad. ask anyone else and easily the answer would be, YOUR PARENTS OFCOURSE. but see i really love this girl and i really do think she is the one. my love to many may seem childish or stupid i know the truth. that i would do any and everything in my power to always be with her. and the scary part is as much as i love her. i know she loves me more. . . that isnt the only problem i have. if i do choose to stay here with my girlfriend i know that i will need to find a place to stay for the time being, until her parents move. but i dont know anyone. . . i dont have friends here to taken me in. I dont know anyone. and even if i did meet someone right now, i would feel very uncomfortable asking to live with them. and i know there is no way in my right mind i can have an apartment to myself. i just wouldnt make it. even with the help of my parents, and that is if they even choose to help me. . . . i dont know what i am goin to do