Friday, April 24, 2009

Stress and ways to deal with it

Being close to losing a job, having to pay rent, or just trying to do well in school can all cause stress. Having a clamorous environment, or even insignificant details and disruptions may cause people stress. No matter what time of day it is or even where a person is stress can affect us all. Not only does stress happen to all of us, but it can also affect out day to day activities. Yet, there are several different ways to deal with stress. Three of the best ways I cope with stress are by enjoying myself, relaxing, and talking about my problems.
Doing something I enjoy many times helps me cope with stress. A couple of things I like to do that help me are playing video games or just going on the computer. Some of the video games I usually play when I am really stressed out are Gears of War or Grand Theft Auto. I enjoy playing these games because it is just a place where I can escape to and do whatever I like, or it is a place where I can just get rid of all my anger and just destroy everything in sight, in the video game. Another thing I enjoy doing is just going on the computer and surfing the internet or going on to my myspace. I like going on myspace because there I can do all sorts of things such as talk to friends or even play games like poker. Playing games or going on the computer are two of the many things I do that help me cope with my stress.
Other than just doing something I enjoy, another way I cope with my stress is by taking a second to relax. Often after a really stressful day, I like to take a couple of minutes to just lie down and relax. I usually take off my shoes and go over to my bed to lie down and take a nap. Another way I relax is by putting on some music. To lie down on my bed and listen to the music playing sooths me and all my problems just seem to melt away. Listening to music or taking a second to relax is one of the main ways I deal with my stress, and it often helps me tremendously.
By far the best way I cope with my stress is by just talking about my problems. No matter what the problems is, I know if I talk about it, my stress always just seems to go away. Usually I talk about my situation with a good friend or a family member I trust. I know that by talking to them, I am getting another opinion about my problem and another way on how to fix whatever I am going through. This is one of best ways anyone can deal with their stress, and it has always worked for me. It doesn’t matter if I am having problems with my girlfriends or having problems with my boss; whether it is dealing with school or with my friends, talking about my problems has always helped me and has always made most of my stress go away.
By enjoying myself, relaxing, and talking about my problems, I have learned to deal with my stress. These methods have really helped my in my times of need and overall have made me a better, calmer person. As stress impacts everyone, everyone can easily deal with their stress by relaxing or talking about it. Every stressful situation has a simple solution.