Friday, April 24, 2009

Should college students be required to attend classes?

I believe that depending on the reasons I college should and shouldn’t have to be required to attend classes. There are several reason why I student should attend classes as well as just as many why a college student should not have to attend classes.
College student should attend classes if the don’t know the class material. If a student has never taken the class before and know nothing about the class then the student should have to attend classes. Also if the person has taken the class before and has failed is another reason why the person should be required to attend classes.
On the other hand, there are certain reasons why a student should not be required to attend classes. If the person has already taken the class and passed it but transfers to another, that does not accept the credit, and he is required to take the class again, then the student should not be required to attend class. It would just be a wasted of time. In other cases if the student is taking a class on something he or she already has done and known quite well there is no reason to attend the class.
All in all it is up to the student. The student needs to make the right decision and choose whether or not they need to attend the class or not. Another reason to consider is, the person has already paid for the classes and therefore his or her responsibility to attend the class or not. If the class has already been paid for then I believe there should be no problem if the student choose to attend or not attend class.