Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Swine Flu

everyone today is making a huge deal about this swine flu thing going on. honestly i have to disagree with this. and again this is my opinion on the whole take. i dont think we should worry at all. the swine is supposely just a different strain of the regular flu virus and nothing more. i have talk to my mom and dad about, mainly cause we are about to take a trip to mexico, and they are no worried at all. my dad, who used to live in mexico says that people in mexico "DONT GO TO THE DOCTOR" they just dont. if you happen to be sick you would go to the corner drug store. pick up some medicine and medicate yourself. he says on average people that are 21 have only been to a doctor 4 or 5 times, IN THERE ENTIRE LIFE. that people only go to the doctor when they are really, and i stress REALLY sick. so taking in this information. once the swine flu began most of the that go sick just passed it off a the normal flu and thought nothing of it. that is why people are dieing in mexico. let me futher my opinion. out of the millions, and let me stress MILLIONS of people, only a few 1000s got sick. but ok we will put this in really terms, there are a 1653 case of the swine flu reported. ok lets just make that an even 2000 because there has to be a few case that have no been reported. and the population of mexico is about 109.9 million people. so that give only .00001% of the popualtion has it. See how small that is