Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Days School

So I have finally been to all my classes and I'm going to have to say this might be the hardest year of school for me. Not only that but it will also me one of the most important because it will be a test to see how well or how bad im going to do in college. To start off, I have never been good in English and honestly never liked it much either, but for the most part it seems that it will be a some what hard class. If i push myself and try everyday I'm hoping to maybe pull off a B in the class. Next is my American History class, which to my surprise actually seems like an ok class and I'm gald about that. I have always done poorly in History, mainly cause i could never remember dates and specific detail, but this time I sure i can do good. The next class i decided to take was Music Apperciation. I took the class mainly cause i thought it would be an easy A, but like everything it isn't. A ten page paper is due on what my favorite genre of music is, and there is no way I can do that. Maybe 5 pages or 6, but ten is way to much. Afterwards is my math class. Now i have always been good at math, but I'm terrified now. My very first day I got competely lost, but that was not the worst part. What made it all worst was that i seemed to be the only one lost which bummed me out even more. If this contiunes I would be theried to get a C in the class. Lastly i have Psychology, and it is the only class i think that is going to be fun and easy, yet i have been wrong before. I have always done well in high school, and I even graduated early but college is nothing alike. I used to never study for test or quizes or even finals, and now I am going to have to work hard to do just as well. It's a huge change for me, and it is one I'm wondering if I will be able to do it or not. My biggest consern is not the first couple of weeks or even the first month, but it's the middle of the semseter and the end of the semseter where i usually tend to slack off and this time I can't. I guess im just going to have to see what happens