Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My big problem

the big choice i have coming up in my life is whether i want to go to Texas or Utah. seems simple enough it isnt. for the longest time my dad has disliked his job here in georgia and also for the longest time has wanted to move to back to Texas where his family is and have a job there. well he finally has that choice. recently he has applied for a job in Texas, in the exact spot he was to live, and got it. now here comes the other side of the story. since the day we have moved here i have been misable. i have no friends and nothing goin for me here. but a few months into living her i met a girl, and since the we have been insepratable. I love this girl so much, and i know she loves me. there is no doubt in my mind that we are goin to be together for a very long time, but if i am moving that isnt goin to happen. so what do i do. Move to Texas with my family or stay here with my girlfriend. Now here comes another twist into the story. My parents already expect me to leave. they know that if i dont stay with my girl, that i will eventually leave for college. so the are expecting it. but should i with them one last time. an the other twist is that my girl also recently moved here. as just like my dad, her dad also dislikes his job here and is planning to move some time next year. so there again lies the problem