Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is the American Dream?

What is the American Dream. Well i guess that really depends on who you are asking. For me, the American dream is to be happy in life. Having a good, well paying job, and a family is really all you need. All i really need is to be happy, and if i am nothing else will matter. Money is not something i need to be happy, and either do i need a fancy car. The American dream is to just make it in life and be successful and have a family. It is something not to simple to accomplish, but not to difficult as well. If you work hard in life and have a passion you can easily make it in life. Another important factor to me is having a family. Having a wife that loves you. And maybe have a kid or two to be there. To rise ad call you own. Some one to maybe follow in your foot steps.

Right now, I am in college. I am working hard to make it, and hopefully in a couple of year become an pharmacist. That way for the time being i can be able to pay for college and my hous, that i will hopefully have. After i am a pharmacist I dont plan to stop there. I would like to continue and become an Anesthesiologist. I know that it will take alot of years of school work, but i am willing to do the effort in order to make it in life. I am also hoping that along the way of trying to become an Anesthesiologist that I will meet someone. And together me and that person will be happy and start a family together. I have already found someone that i believe is special so maybe part of my American dream might be compelte. If i can get a good job and i am happy with the person i am with, that for me will be the American Dream.