Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What to do

what do you do when you have a big choice in front of you. i choice that you know that will change your life. A choice that can determine a good future or a horrible mistake. what do you do when you are place in front of a choice that big. Im only 18, i just turned 18 too and i have to make this choice. . . . . and to be honest i dont know what exactly i am goin to do. I dont even know where to begin. i have thought about it and thought about it and i still cant make a decision. this isnt easy, but then again thinkin about it i didnt think it was goin to be. it is just something that you have to just choose an option and hope for the best. but i dont want to make this big of a choice like that. I want to be certain about me choice. i dont know. . . . the more i think about it the more i stress. apart from that i have finals, and i have a ton o stuff i need to get done too. i cant just put that all aside for the time being. but the choice i need to make is something that i dont have alot of time to think about. what makes thing is no matter what choice i make, . . . . i know i will be letting someone down. and that is another problem i dont want to do. and i cant really ask someone for help cause i know what that person is probably already goin to say. . . . and i dont like their answer. does that mean i already know what i want to do. . . . .