Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Mood

Right now I'm not really feeling that well. Last semster I moved here from Arizona where i left every single one of my friends behind. I moved here because of my Dad who got a new job over here in Georgia, and as of right now I am not liking it too much. It has gotten alot better but im still not as happy i would like to be. I have spent over a hundred and eighty days here, and so far have made a total of about 2 or 3 friends which is really sad, haha. I dont understand what why but I notice myself isolating myself from everyone. The only real friend i have here is my girlfriend, and surprisingly none of her like me. But lately me and her have been getting into a bit of arguements that hasnt left me that well. Yet, I'm actually gald im doing this blog thing. Usually i dont talk about my problems, mainly cause i consider them to be MY PROBLEMS, and no one else. And in a way this helps me relax and talk about some of them. I think the biggest problem i have right now is whether or not i want to move back to Arizona. If i do move back i would probably need an apartment, and at least a cell phone, yet if i do move back my parents arent going to pay for any of that. So i would need a job. Yet i truely and honestly want to be a full time college student. To me school is important and i want to finish college and do something with my life. But the biggest problem is if i do move back, yes i will be happier, but my parents will get a divorce. And i dont know if i can deal with that, knowing my parents divorced because of me. And not only that but my little brother should not have to go through anything like that either. I dont know what to do exactly. . . but i think i have a pretty clear desicion on what i am probably going to do. I just hope i am doing the right thing. . . .