Friday, April 24, 2009

Today Thoughts

I am about to end my second semester in college. I really can't believe that i have lasted a year through college and i am doing very well. My finals for the second semster are coming up and i need to study. Most of the class i have are some what easy, and i have full confidence that i am goin to pass. Moving on to something else that is on my mind, is that i need to find a job. I used to work at Mellow Mushroom a few weeks ago but I quit after a couple of months. I am started to look back and I really made a stupid choice quitting that job. it was a really goo job to have. I would make around 300 dollars a week and had very flexable hours depending on the day. . . Wow i think i really messed up. that is like thwe perfect job for me. I really dont know why i quit. i guess i was kinda pressured into it. but if i had a chance to work there again i dont know if i would. I mean i quit. would it really look good if asked for my job back. . . . i dont really know. i mean i really would like to work there. but then again me and the manager didnt always see eye to eye. but also i did get good pay. but it was also a very stressful job. but i do need a job. . . and no other place seems to be hiring. .. . . . i dont know what i am goin to do. i guess i am just goin to have to keep trying in other place until i find something. and my girlfriend want me and her to get a job together. after first thought this is a great idea. we get to spend more time together. we get to hangout more. and we also get to get paid while we do it. but then again is there any bad points to this. i mean i really doubt we are goin to break up. but then again alot of couple say that. I have a feeling though that what me and her have is a really good relationship. mmmm i think it is a good idea and i am goin to get a job with her. i cant wait = )