Friday, April 24, 2009

why people have pets

Almost everyone in American owns a pet or either knows someone who owns one. But why do people choose to own pets. There are several different reasons and each one different to each person’s wishes or desires. People own pets to have a friend around, just because they want to, or because many time that person is lonely.
Many people in American have pets just to have a friend around. People buy dogs, cats or which ever pet just to play around with someone and to have as another part of the family. Pet are great to have around when you need to just get out of the days stress. Or just to have around to relax and maybe play catch with.
People also get pets just because they want to. Whether it is just something they just got at a moments instance or won a pet at the fair, such as a fish, people some time just get pets without thinking about it.
But a reason why a lot of people get pets is because that person may sometimes be lonely. If a person is often lonely and rarely has visit a pet may the best answer for them. A pet such as a dog who is always there for them and to play with and just be around when everyone else is away. It is also good to get a pet while you are lonely because it could be a good friend to have around.
After it all people have pets for numerous different reasons. But there is one thing that usually stays the same, people keep pets cause the love them. People also sometimes treat their pets are part of the family caring for them and loving them as they would a brother. Pets are great to have around.