Monday, April 13, 2009

I can't help it

As more and more time passes, i become lazier and lazier, and i really dont know why. I know i need to work. i know i help to get things done but i cant. i just cant. the majority of my time is spent in front of the tv, on the computer, or playing a video game, and as much as i tell myself i need to get off and start studying or doing homework or get some work done i cant. i am a smart kid. i know im smart and i know i can do alot in this world, but for me, my main problem is being lazy. i know what most people are think, ya everybody is lazy, but for me it goes way beyound that. it goes so far, that even i think back to myself and know it is crazy. instances like when im watching tv. i have already seen this show, i know what is goin to happen, i know the ending, BUT I STILL WATCH IT. or playing a video game i have already beaten. i already played the game i know what to do, i know what is at the end of the game, but i still play it. its fun. i dont know i enjoy playing video games and watchin tv but i also know i need to get work done. stuff like studying, writing papers, reading books, goin to class, going to work, getting chores done, all of these things that need to be done arent. why? because im watching re-runs of shows i have already seen. i have a problem. . . . . ok i have a HUGE PROBLEM. but no matter how hard i try, i cant over come it. it is almost as if i need someone to by right next to me all day long watching my every move, forcing me to keep going. i really need to fix this problem of mine cause if i dont i wont get anything done. college and work and. . . . just life in general isnt easy, and lazy people dont make it in this world. . . . . I just cant help it