Friday, April 24, 2009

My favorite holiday

Christmas is the most widely known and celebrated holiday in the U.S. Christmas comes once a year and is celebrated on the 25 of December. It is a time of giving and happiness where everybody is usually in a good mood. Christmas is also a great holiday because in some places in the U.S, it snows in December. Christmas is not only a great holiday for kids, but for teens and adults as well. Christmas is my favorite holiday due to the snowing outside, spending time with the family, and receiving gifts from friends.
I love the cold weather, especially the snow, and that is one of the main reasons Christmas is my favorite holiday. On most of the days around Christmastime, I love to go outside into the cold weather. Several times in the past, my family and I have gone skiing or snowboarding during the Christmas time. Everyone has fun trying to snowboard down the mountain, and often times we have races to see who can get down the mountain the fastest, without falling. I always enjoy watching the snow falling and the sight of the trees covered in crystal white snow. The cold weather outside, with the snow blanketing the ground, always seems to make everybody’s mood in the family much better. It also makes the whole experience of snowboarding a lot better. Snowy weather is the cherry on top, which makes Christmas the best holiday for me and my family.
But the weather outside is not the only reason I love Christmas so much; having the family together is another important thing. Often as a kid I used to believe Christmas was all about the toys and gifts that Santa brought, but it isn’t. As the years passed, I started to learn more and more that it is really about the family being together, and that is what makes Christmas one of the more important holidays to me. On others holidays, such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day, the family is sometimes together but not always. During Christmas, the family is always together. Having the family spend time together to talk, laugh, and just mainly enjoy the time together makes this a wonderful holiday. That time together with the family is important to me, and makes Christmas not just a holiday that kids enjoy but parents as well, as they can spend time with their kids and enjoy the moment.
By far, my favorite part of Christmas is giving and receiving gifts. Receiving gifts on Christmas is what makes Christmas the very best and puts it above all the rest of the holidays. Christmas is known because people open presents and gifts on Christmas morning. Most people around the U.S quickly do their shopping early to buy gifts for others, and occasionally they buy a gift or two for themselves. I love giving gifts on Christmas, but most of all, I really love receiving them for others. It is also the holiday where most of the times I get what I really what for that year, such as an Ipod or a new cell phone. Christmas is also a good holiday to have a lot of friends. The more friends someone has, the better chance that person has of getting more gifts, though it also works the other way because the more gifts received, the same number of gifts probably need to be given. All in all, I enjoy Christmas because of all the giving that is done during this holiday.
Christmas time is a great holiday and is my favorite holiday. The weather outside during the Christmas time gets me in a better mood, and it is just a sight to see every morning, especially if it is snowing outside. I also love that the family is almost always together and happy around the Christmas time. Everyone is nice to each other, and because everyone is so nice to each other, it makes the Christmas time that much better. But most of all the gifts that I receive and give during Christmas is what makes this my favorite holiday. Christmas is a time of happiness, and for me that is exactly what it is.