Friday, April 24, 2009

A Vacation in Hawaii

Everywhere around the world there are certain places that stun us with their beauty. Whether it is the fresh white snow topped mountains, lush evergreen tropical rain forests, or even the lively night life of the Vegas Strip, everyone has a specific dream vacation spot he or she wishes to visit, and my dream vacation is no exception. One of the most beautiful places in the world, to me, is the sandy beaches of Hawaii. Numerous times I have found myself looking at pictures from Hawaii and its gorgeous beaches and islands where houses are lined up right next to the shore. It would be incredible if I could stay in a house by the beach in Hawaii and enjoy myself for a couple of weeks there. In Hawaii, I can easily find myself staying in a house by the shore, fishing in the beach, and even relaxing in the sand during the sunset.
Staying in one of the houses right next to the shore is one of the main reasons Hawaii is my dream vacation spot. Many of the houses that are next to the shore are no more than 100 yards away, and many of them close enough to hear the waves crashing along the shoreline. The house I would be staying at would be a colossal three story house, with the outside painted a bright cloud white color. The inside of the house would be a rich light brown color with matching furniture, and the smell of delicious cheeseburgers would quickly entice anybody who walked in. The taste of the burgers would be marvelous as well, as everyone would want to savor the juicy burgers forever. This would be the perfect house to stay in and would make my dream vacation the best it could possibly be.
But staying in a massive house is not the only reason Hawaii is my dream vacation; fishing is one of my favorite activities to do, and I plan to go fishing a lot during my time in Hawaii. In the morning I would wake up early, just before sunrise, to go fishing. The air outside would not be too hot or too cold, but just perfect. Then, after I am all ready to go, I would head off to the beach. Hopefully by this time, the sun will begin to come up. Then, I would walk right up to the shore and leave my tackle box, with all the baits and hooks I will need, on the shore and start to head off out into the crystal clear beach until I am in warm, waist deep waters. Once I’m there, I would begin to cast my line out in front of me, about a good 100 feet, and then wait until I begin to feel gentle nibbles on the line. Usually it takes quite a long time to catch a fish, but after some time, I usually catch one. Once I have caught a fish, the real fun would begin. The line on my fishing pole would begin to jerk, and the line would begin to pull away quickly. Reeling in the fish would be tough to do, but after a few minutes, I should have the fish right next to me. The fish itself would be excessively slimy and would smell just like a fish would. Afterward, I would release the fish back into the water and begin to cast my line out into the water again. I love to fish and expect to fish several times during my stay at Hawaii.
Even though I love to fish, the best part of my whole vacation would be relaxing on the beach during the sunset. Once the sun begins to set, I would head off toward the beach. Walking along the beach I would feel the warm sand between my toes and the heat from the sun would feel just right. I would lie down on a white hammock facing the sun, and just lie there and relax. The sunset would light up the whole sky in an orange glow. While relaxing, the gentle sounds of the waves next to me would easily sooth anyone, and the sound of people in the distance would make the overall experience even better. The whole mood of the afternoon would be perfect, as nothing would interrupt or disturb me in any way. This moment alone would make the vacation absolutely perfect.
All in all this would be what I would want to do if I were to go to Hawaii and have my dream vacation. The house I would be living at is important because it is where I would be spending most of my time in Hawaii. Also, fishing near the house is just as important to me as the house itself. But most of all would be the hammock and relaxing on it during a gorgeous sunset. It is just a combination of the house I would be staying at, the days I would be going fishing, and the sunset would be enjoyable that I would enjoy most about my time in Hawaii.