Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

ok ok i am not done with this whole swine flu thing cause i just thought of some more facts. out of that 1653 case only 149 people in mexico have died. so know lets look at that percentage -- .000001% of the population. that is nothing. The world is in a wide spread panic over nothing. The case in the US are so significant as well. way less that half of that from that of mexico. Places such as Spain and the UK and other places as well panic at the sight of someone coughing cause, if they have been to Mexico it has to be the SWINE FLU. Only one person in the US has died from the swine flu. yet everyone still makes a big deal about it. ok ok make a big deal i dont mind. BUT here is a fact that isnt being throw out. In the US alone about 36,000 people die PER YEAR from the REGULAR FLU. Where is the world wide spread panic and fear from them. . . . . Thats right it isnt there. this whole thing is made up just to be a big deal by the same reporters, and new cast people. Thats why i see no reason at all to panic or fear going to mexico at all. plus the flu can easily be avoid, just do these INCREDIBLE HARD STEPS
1. wash hands often
2. dont kiss people often
3. and if you shake someones hand, DONT PUT YOUR HAND IN YOUR MOUTH
yes yes i know those are very hard steps to do. the swine flu "HAHA". there is really nothing to worry about