Monday, April 27, 2009

getting lucky

So this passed Wednesday, I yet again, left my flash drive in on my computer in my last class. This is the second time i have done this. I really dont know why I can be so forgetful. My flash drive has of most of my paper. Paper that i have had since elementary, and junior high, and high school. A lot of my school work is comprised on that flash drive and I just left it here in my class, as if it were nothing. All weekend i paniced for it, wondering if all those papers were going to be gone and lost forever. This morning I woke up early, hoping I could go to class a little early and search for my flash drive. To be honest i didnt have much hope it would still be there. I lost it on Wednesday and today was Monday. But still i went to look. I checked the office, checked the student loungue area, and even the ARC area just to see if someone had turned it in. And sadly in every single place i checked i found nothing at all. I walked to class having no lost all hope at all. It was gone and I knew it ever well. I sat down and though well maybe the teacher picked it up? I walked over and to my surprise it was there! I guess my luck is finally turning around. I hope it stays with me just for this week and a litle part of next week. Mainly cause of final. Now dont get me wrong. I usually do ok in final, but this year i am hoping to do a little bit better so i can get a couple of A on my GPA. I guess im getting lucky